b'FROM THE CHAIRMAN >I am confident we now have the leadership and experience requiredto deliver significantlyDuring the 2019 financial year the Aristo International Hotel (Aristo)sponsored local sports organisations and primary schools in Bao improved operationalThang district so they could buy items for pupils to study and stay at school. At DNA Star Vegas, more than 16 community events were supported during the year, including Cambodian government flood and financialrelief projects, and other donations of cash and in kind items for the relief of poverty and the renovation of local temples. performance at bothLooking ahead to the 2020 financial year, the Boards main priority will be to resolve and pursue the outstanding litigation issues, our properties. and we are now confident that our new Chief Executive Officer, Paul Arbuckle, will be able to focus on his role of improving the operational performance at our venues.I thank our shareholders for their continuing support and I look forward to delivering significantly improved performance from both Star Vegas and the Aristo over the 2020 financial year, under Paul Arbuckles leadership. I am informed that our legal position remains strong in the legal actions in progress involving the Star Vegas vendor, despite the initial finding in the Cambodian lease arbitration. I assure you that we will continue to pursue our legal rights and demands for compensation aggressively and will continue to keep you informed of our progress. Stuart McGregorChairman4 DONACO INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 2019 ANNUAL REPORT'